
Giving Thanks

In almost everyone of Paul's epistles he finds some way to give God  thanks for them. One I found a blessing was todays meditation.ll Thessalonians 1:3 We are bound to thank God always for you... One thing Paul thanks God for is their growing…

In Everything

I muse on a verse in Paul's epistle to Thessalonians in 5:18 which says, In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. The phrase in every thing sure is an all inclusive phrase. I have been sick all week…


This is the week we set aside to give thanks. We should set  aside a little time each day to give thanks. Even at that we would not be caught up in giving thanks. In Psalm 100: 4 it says, ...be thankful unto Him... There is a subject of thanks…

Robinson Crusoe’s Prayer

I look at a prayer found in Psalm 50: 15, which says, And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. This prayer was prayed by Crusoe while on a deserted island. This a simple prayer, call upon me. One…

Selah Break

The word "selah" is used 74 times in the Bible. The word has to do with a person's focus of thought. In the word we see a power of thought. I understand from study that repetition in the Bible is God's mega phone. The word also has a pausing…


The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:12, Wherefore let Him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. Peter's denial of the Lord is mentioned in all 4 gospels. He failed every test the Lord ever gave Him. Jude says He is able to keep us…

Our Focus

Let us ponder some verses in Matthew 6:25-34. In a short conversation with His disciples our Lord mentions one phrase five times. ( 25,27,28,31,34 ) The phrase is  "Take therefore no thought ". This phrase means to worry or to be stressed out.…

The Doing of Jesus

I ponder two phrases from our LORD's teachings today. They are found in John 8: 28-29. The phrases are, "...I do nothing of myself..." and "... for I do always those things that please the Father..." When I think upon the words " I do" I am…

The Incarnation

John said in his gospel, that Jesus was the 'WORD' that was with God and He was God. Then said that the WORD became flesh, in other words, God became man.  Jesus is the God Man.  He is all God and all man. He showed this time and time again…

The Cleft of The Rock

I ponder the thought today of Moses being hidden in the cleft of the rock. I think in my fear, how safe am I ? I have rock on the back, and both sides, but an opening in the front. It is here any enemy could reach in and cause harm. Fanny…