Musing through Matthew- Elias has come[17:10-13]
Let us muse again today from Matthew 17: 10 – 13 and the theme of Jesus The King. In our verses for today we are taught that Elias has already come. In verse 10 as the disciples come off the mountain having seen Elijah they asked Jesus, the scribes who study the scripture in depth say that Messiah cannot come till Elijah first come. In verses 11 – 12 Jesus said, that Elijah has truly already come and has suffered somewhat similar fate that awaits me. In verse 13 they were given a spiritual understanding to see that John the Baptist was a reenactment of Elijah. I love it when God gives spiritual understanding of hard truths. One generation to the next we will say a person reminds him of someone who lived in ages past. Elijah and John the Baptist were similar in many ways. One way in which they were similar was that Elijah had suffered at the hands of Ahab and Jezebel while John the Baptist suffered at the hands of Herod and Herodius. The greatest similarity was that they were both voices crying in the wilderness that no one of their day wanted to hear.