Musing Through Matthew- Hear Ye Him
Let us muse again today from Matthew 17: 3 – 6 and the theme of Jesus The King. In our text for today we are reminded of a message from God to Peter, James, and John. The message is Hear ye Him Jesus is joined on this mountain by Moses and Elias their departure from this world was shrouded in a mystery. They speak to Jesus about His decease. The word means pulling up tent stakes or pulling up of an anchor of a ship and setting sail. Peter suggests that it would be good for us to build three tabernacles and stay upon this mountain. I can’t imagine housing these three heavenly beings in huts. It would be good for Peter but how about the other nine and the world at large. While Peter speaks a bright cloud came and engulfed them in the shadow. Oh how God’s presents causes us to be speechless. There is a voice of God from the cloud and He says this is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased “Hear ye Him”. He turns the focus upon the words of Jesus and for us the Word of God, the Bible. The voice took the life out of these three and they fell to the ground. We are reminded that it is not the Mystic Unexplainable scenes of life that I should be captivated by but God’s word. Let us not forget to “Hear ye Him”.