Musing through Matthew- His Cross and our cross

Let us muse again today from Matthew 16: 23 – 25 and the theme of Jesus The King. In our text for study today we find truths about His cross and our cross. In verse 25 although Peter as an earthly friend, looking at the cross from a human viewpoint, is rebuked by Jesus. Peter has come as Satan’s representative of a much greater hindrance, the salvation of a people no man can number. Peter has done what many of us have done. He savored (The word means to put one above another in importance) the things of man rather than the things of God. Jesus then turned to His disciples and said if you follow Me you must deny yourself pick up your cross and follow Me. The Christian life is not a sail on the good ship lollipop but a walk of self denial and bearing of my cross. In verse 25 He tells them as well as us if you are constantly trying to save yourself you will only lose but if you lose your life into the Christ life we will find their abundant life.