Musing through Matthew – The Death And Resurrection Of Christ Made Clear
Let us muse again today from Matthew 16: 21 – 22 and the theme of Jesus The King. In our study for today we find the death and resurrection of Christ is made clear. Our Lord makes clear that going to Jerusalem would include suffering many things. The word suffer means to feel vexing pain and to be afflicted by great evils. Our text tells us our Lord will undergo many things in the realm of affliction. We are also told he will be killed. We know this to be Calvary’s cross. We are told that all of this will be at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and scribes. All of these sadly are the religious leaders of that day. Instead of being for Christ they were anti Christ. Then verse 21 ends with the greatest truth in all the Bible, and be raised again the 3rd day. Peter pulls our Lord aside, the word take means to snatch and begin to rebuke Him. The great Concern and Love Peter had for our Lord drives him to do this. Peter could not see as we do the end from the beginning. What a blessing that Jesus gave no heed to Peter.