Musing through Matthew – Jesus Supply Is Sufficient
Let us Muse again today from Matthew 15: 37 – 39 and the theme of Jesus The King. In our text for today we find Jesus supply is sufficient. We are told that all were filled it is our word for stuffed. A word we would use often after a Thanksgiving lunch. Jesus is not wasteful, waste makes want. They took up seven baskets of leftovers. Number 7 reminds us of the number of fish that was given for the lunch. We see what our Lord can do with our little when it is placed into His hand. This supply was for at least 12,000 when we include women and children. I Lord then sends them away and He takes a ship to Magdala. I wonder if He is now gone seeking after Mary Magdalene. He is the God of sufficiency and leaves nothing of the minute detailed undone. Oh what a Savior is Christ our Lord.