Hope’s Work
I am again musing from home. We will be home now for a couple of weeks. I want to look at the word hope for a few days. The word means confident expectations. It is not like our hope so think so word. In Psalm 38:15 it says, “For in thee O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O LORD my God”. It is here we find the place of hope in the phrase “in thee”. There is also the pressing of hope in the words ” O LORD and O LORD my God.” These are words of desperation in prayer. My hope is built on nothing less than our Lord. He is surely our person of hope. I also see in our text the promise of hope in the words “thou wilt hear.” Nothing gives us any greater confident expectation than to know he listens to our cries for help. What are your hopes for 2009? Tell them to HIM.