
All to the Glory of God

I have been musing on the 70 resolves of Jonathan Edwards. There was two things that accompanied each resolve. One was to recognize his inability to do them  unless God did it through him. The second was the desire to do all to the glory of God. His life’s verse was ” Whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. I wondered in my meditation, how does one do all to His glory? There are three Bible definitions for glory. May they help us answer our question. One Is the weighty overwhelming presence of God. Edwards wanted all he did to invite the manifested presence of God. The second meaning of  glory is, to lift in the highest of adoration and praise. All he did was to lift up the Lord, even in the mundane of eating and drinking. The third was to bear  the impression or image of another. All that Edwards did he wanted it to enhance the likeness of Christ in his life. May our aim  be  “SOLI DEO GLORIA”, to the Glory of God Alone.