The Doing of Jesus
I ponder two phrases from our LORD’s teachings today. They are found in John 8: 28-29. The phrases are, “…I do nothing of myself…” and “… for I do always those things that please the Father…” When I think upon the words ” I do” I am thrilled beyond measure. Our Saviour desires to do all for His people. In these verses I find some controls He puts on His doing. He can do only that which the Father directs. May we learn great lessons here. I can only do that which the Father directs. I can do all things through Christ who strengths us. Just imagine what would happen if God’s people only did that which the Father directs. The other control was to always please the Father. His Father later said, “This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased”. Oh! May I always do that which will cause Him to say oneday, ” Well done thy good and faithful servant”.